Our Goals

Our statement is to provide quality learning opportunities to all candidates wanting to educate themselves in the Forex Market. The aim is to produce independent students able to play a creative role in their community as well as in broader society. The teaching and learning is intent at producing competent, knowledgeable and skilled students able to be economically active and to contribute to the workforce of wherever country they are. This is achieved through an appropriate mix of theory and practice to ensure the application of theoretical concepts. It provides learning and job opportunity in a niche environment

Advantages of access to successful Copy Trading

There are two significant advantages to access of a successful Copy Trading master trader.

The first, and most obvious is that the individual account holder is not required to do any trading activity themselves. One may participate in Copy Trading with absolutely no trading experience. The master account executes all trades.

The second, significant advantage is if an individual has access to a highly skilled master account to do their Copy Trading for them. This is not as easy as one may think. Highly skilled traders and proven trade strategies are not easy to access. Trade history and experience are especially important.

This is undoubtedly the simplest way to receive signals and execute trades. To be connected, simply select a broker that offers Copy Trading, follow the proper broker registration process, fund your account, and connect your individual trading account to the master trading account wish to follow. Things in the forex world don’t get any simpler than that.